“I belong to me – I am totally mine. I feel OK about who I am and what I have. I approve of myself. I have finally come to realize that when you have no expectations of others – then you have everything.”
The point of belonging to myself is not egotistic. Egotism can become an issue if we value ourselves above others. That does not mean we devalue ourselves. I can only hold others in esteem and value their needs if I value my own needs. Life is not a competition amongst us but a journey for all to take working together.
If I am greedy, or jealous, or envious, or proud, then I will act only for my own self-interests and lose sight of my need for the assistance of others. If I am unwilling to help others, they will be unwilling to help me.
I can only belong to myself if I am willing to give myself away. If I expect more of myself than I expect of others. If I value the needs of others above my own. If I am patient and considerate of others, realizing they will sometimes let me down, then I can be satisfied in any situation. I can find equanimity if I have a realistic knowledge that everyone is at a different place on their human journey, and am willing to accept it.
I can belong to myself being happy, joyous, and free, when I let go of the frivolous trappings of power, control and material things, and focus on being an equal partner with all humans in life’s great adventure. Neither better or worse, but a partner in hope and faith, working to make everything better for everyone.